- 01General
- 02Inventory
- 03Accounting
How to backup from workstation in LAN environment

Backup Process
How to prevent other sales person see my customer list

Is it possible to prevent overselling of a particular stock item?
File -> System Options -> Stock (2) - Tick box prompt warning message if negative stock balance and tick box in stock issues

Is it possible for system to prompt message if stock are low and needs to do a reorder?
File -> System Options -> Stock (2) - Tick box prompt warning message if stock balance less than re-order level and tick box in stock issues.

Is it possible to set different pricing for stock item for different customer category?
Stock -> Stock Items ->Price Group – Set different prices for different category

Is it possible for the system to record different landing cost?
File -> System Options -> Purchase (2) – Tick all the boxes

Is there any report to view what bill of materials that had been created?
Stock -> Master Reports -> Bill of Material Listing – Select stock code
Is it possible to see the stock transfer within a period of time?
Stock -> Master Reports -> Stock Transfer Listing – Select date
How to cancel the remaining goods that are not received?
Click on the closed button. It will no longer be outstanding
How to cancel remaining goods that are not delivered to customers?
Click on the closed button. It will no longer be outstanding .
Is it possible to set different running numbers for sales orders?
File -> System Options -> Sales (1) – Tick box enable for multiple set running number
Is it possible to set different running numbers for purchases orders?
File -> System Options -> Purchases (1) – Tick box enable for multiple set running number
Is it possible to prevent user from amending and deleting purchase orders?
File -> General Maintenance -> User Maintenance – Select user and remove modify, cancel function for user
Is it possible to prevent user from amending and deleting sales orders?
File -> General Maintenance -> User Maintenance – Select user and remove modify, cancel function for user
I have hundreds of stock items, do I need to key each one of them for my opening stock?
There is no need to key in manually.
Go to Stock -> Stock Opening Balance
Click on the Load Stkcode to load all the stock items
Can I know which are the inactive stocks?
Inactive stocks are those stocks that factory may no longer manufacture, stocks are outdated,…
They need to be define by ticking the Inactive box.

Can the administrator track what are the changes users made to the transactions or files?
You can go to the audit trail to check, File -> Audit Trail
If I have many partial deliveries, can I attach multiple delivery orders to one sales invoice?
You can transfer a few delivery orders using Sales -> Sales Invoice -> Transfer from
Can MadSoft show a particular stock is sold to which customer at what price for a particular period ?
Go to Sales -> Inquiry -> Customer Sales History and select the stock code and the period (select period range)
How to setup GST Code?
GST -> GST Code – Input the account code posting in the GST Posting Account box from the list of GST Codes available.

Where to look at transactions details with different GST codes?
GST -> GST Detail Listing - Select period needed, GST codes and preview

Does MadSoft require Year End Processing? If no, then how to control?
MadSoft Accounting does not require year end processing. To doi it, File -> General Maintenance -> Valid Posting Period – In box Level 1, key in the dates that is required for other users to start. In the example below, all users can only key in transactions starting from 1 February 2016, preventing them from accessing January data.

How to view multicurrency ledger?
Go to File -> Module Selection -> Tick on the Advance Currency
Go to Currency -> General Ledger – Multi Currency

How to key transaction with multi collection mode?
General Ledger > Receipt Vouchers – Select different account involved

What is the impact of Postdated (PD) cheques in Ledger/Statement/Bank Reconciliation?
PD cheques will not be recorded in the journals and will not be shown in bank reconciliation

What is the impact of cancelled cheques in Ledger/Statement/Bank Reconciliation?
Cancelled cheques will not be recorded in the journals and will not be shown in bank reconciliation

Can we have multiple running number for Payment Voucher (PV) /Official Receipt (OR) /Journal Voucher (JV)?
File -> System Options –Tick Enable for Multiple Set Running Number
File -> General Maintenance – Running Number Maintenance

How do we handle bank charge in local and foreign currency?
For all payments in local currency, go to File -> System Option – Tick Use Local Currency for Bank Charges
If there are some charges in foreign currency, no need to tick Use Local Currency for Bank Charges

How do I view customer sales and collection for a specified period?
Debtor -> Reports -> Customer Sales and Collection – Select the period and customers code

Where can I find 6 months sales analysis for all salesmen?
Debtor -> Reports -> Customer Sales and Collection – Select 6 months sales analysis by salesman format and key in the period

How to view our purchases from supplier and payments to them for a specified period?
Supplier -> Reports -> Supplier Purchases and Payment – Select creditor purchases and payment and period

How to view customers orders and their payments to us for a specified period?
Customer -> Reports -> Customer Sales and Collection – Select debtor sales and collection report and period

Can I find the related bills related to the supplier for a specified period?
Supplier -> Reports -> Bill Listing – Select period and supplier

How to view purchases from suppliers in foreign currency for a specified period?
Supplier -> Reports -> Bill Listing – Select bill listing with foreign currency and select period and supplier

How to find report to view the receipts match to related invoices?
Debtor -> Reports -> Customer Ledger Details – Select period and customers

How to find report to view the payments match to related bills?
Supplier -> Reports -> Supplier Ledger Details – Select period and customers

How the system account for foreign bank account revaluation?
Currency -> Auto Currency Revaluation GL – Select date and bank account

How the system account for foreign debtors revaluation?
Currency -> Auto Currency Revaluation (Summary) Debtor – Select date and debtor account

How the system account for foreign suppliers revaluation?
Currency -> Auto Currency Revaluation (Summary) Supplier – key date and supplier account