It is an utility to eliminate data entry by importing customer/supplier readily available order entry data in excel to MadSoft Inventory Solutions.
This is useful when customer place order in standard excel order form and this can be imported directly as sales order / quotation / delivery order / invoice. Import Customer Order Detail
Import customer order details to quotation, sales order, delivery order, sales invoice,
and cash sales
Import Suppliers’ Inventory Order List
Import inventory order lists to supplier purchase requisition, purchase order, goods received note
and purchase invoice
Alert for Erroneous Data
Able to detect erroneous data and erroneous data will not be imported
Auto Detect and Retrieve the Right Price or Discount
Ability to auto detect selected fields and retrieve unit price or discount according to user setup preference
in MadSoft Solutions
Able to use Customer or Suppliers’ Stock Codes
Customer / Supplier can input their stock codes and they will be matched against users’ stock codes in
MadSoft Solutions to retrieve the correct stock item information
Multiple Sets of Excel Worksheet
Able to import multiple sets of excel worksheet to 1 order entry transaction
Status Update
(a) import progress percentage indicator;
(b) number of lines successfully imported;
(c) prompt message if import is partially or fully done;
(d) unmatched / matched file information
Review Before Import
Order list imported from excel are displayed for user to review before final import into MadSoft Solutions